Distributional effects economics books

This book focuses on the distributional consequences of the public sector and examines and documents, theoretically and empirically, the effects of government. Distributional effects of economic growth oxford scholarship. Programs the levy institute measure of economic wellbeing. Distributional effects of environmental and energy policy the international library of environmental economics and policy fullerton, don on.

A distributional effect is the effect of the redistribution of the final gains and costs derived from. Distributional effects of a continuous treatment with an. Distributional effects of macroeconomic policy choices in emerging. Presentation to the wellington statistics group, 10 december, 2018 this years child poverty reduction act cpra marks a major innovation in social policy. Distributional effects a central part of the ifss contribution to public debate is our analysis of the distributional effect of taxes and benefits, both following budgets and in wider research. Using data on currently registered electric vehicles, we find that people in census block groups with median. Such intrusive policies will likely have substantial side effects, including distributional effects. Distributional effects of monetary policy matthias doepke northwestern martin schneider stanford veronika selezneva northwestern february 2015 abstract we assess the distributional consequences of monetary policy in the current economic environment in the united states.

On an expenditure basis, taxes on transport fuels are not regressive on average, as households in lower expenditure deciles spend a lower proportion of their expenditure on. Concern over the distributional effects of policies which induce changes in peer group structure, or associational redistributions durlauf, 1996c, motivates a substantial body of theoretical and empirical research in economics, sociology, psychology, and education. The use of a common methodology makes the results comparable across countries. Increased fuel taxes carry the potential to mitigate carbon emissions, reduce congestion, and improve local urban environment. Climate change tends to increase the frequency and intensity of weatherrelated disasters, which puts many people at risk. Models and applications from new zealand by creedy, john, sleeman, cath isbn. Distributional effects of a carbon tax in the context of. The distributional effects of climate policies bruegel. Behavioral and distributional effects of environmental policy, pages 112, national bureau of economic. Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics, november 2018 the gender wage gap has declined in magnitude over time. Free dp download 20 march the economic effects of the. Abstractwe examine distributional effects of changes in local air pollution from driving electric vehicles in the united states.

This volume presents eight country studies that examine the distributional effects of individual programs and policy measuresand the net effect of each countrys mix of policies and programs. Fuel taxes and the poor challenges the conventional wisdom that gasoline taxation, an important and muchdebated instrument of climate policy, has a disproportionately detrimental effect on poor people. That paper uses several nonlinear differencesindifferences methods to study the distributional effects of child care. This book was prepared while he was lead economist. These move ments of goods, services, capital, firms, and people are believed to contribute to the spread of technology, knowledge, culture, and information across borders. The biden tax plan contains ten specific proposals, united around the common theme of raising taxes on capital income. When the fed aims for higher inflation, middleaged, middleclass households. Hence, the main objectives of this book are to i understand the distributional effects of disasters and climate change, and the related food security challenges in. Distributional effects of the right to buy economics. Distributional effects of macroeconomic policy choices in.

Theoretical, institutional and empirical analyses are combined to form a comprehensive framework for evaluating financial sustainability and distributional effects of the pension systems implemented in germany and the united kingdom. Distributional effects of monetary policy european central bank. This book seeks to broaden the literature by discussing the impacts of a wide range of policy measures. We quantify the distributional effects of trade shocks in the u. Former vice president joe biden has recently proposed a new tax plan as part of his presidential campaign. Fiscal reform executive summary this paper analyzes the distributional implications of. Once consumers are assigned different distributional weights, it is possible for policy changes with efficiency losses to raise social welfare by improving the distribution of income. The distributional effects of government spending and taxation papadimitriou, d. These consequences deserve more attention since financial markets are incomplete, imperfect, and economic agents access to them is often limited. This paper quantitatively assesses distributional effects of monetary policy.

Pwbms analysis of a previous version of the plan is available here. A quantitative trade model links these channels to compositional differences in expenditures and earnings across household groups. Simulating distributional impacts of macrodynamics. Abstractthis article provides new evidence on the distributional effects of fiscal policy using data on a panel of oecd economies over the last four decades.

Accounting for the distributional effects of the 20072008 crisis and. Loungani, journal of development economics, 2018, 12744. Evidence from linked survey and administrative data pdf economic mobility, but commonly used public datasets offer limited opportunities to evaluate. Any big change in federal reserve monetary policy creates winners and losers in the u. First distributional effects of environmental and energy policy the international library of environmental economics and policy. Abstractthe introduction of property rights to manage commonpool resources is often met with opposition from some incumbent users, despite evidence of large aggregate increases in resource rent. Introduction to behavioral and distributional effects of environmental policy, nber chapters, in. While economic instruments are often seen as being particularly regressive.

Distributional impacts of climate change and disasters. The updated biden tax plan adds two major provisions that significantly affect the budgetary and. This publication is a milestone in the analysis of the distributional impacts of environmental policy, building upon existing literature to simultaneously examine disparities in the distribution of environmental impacts and in the distribution of financial effects amongst households. Two approaches can be used to account for distributional effects. Distributional effects institute for fiscal studies ifs. Distributional consequences typically receive limited attention in economic models that analyze the effects of monetary and financial sector policies. Our findings show strong treatment effect heterogeneity and selection on gains. Distributional effects of air pollution from electric. This book focuses on the distributional consequences of the public sector.

His paper examined the distributional effects of conservation easements, focusing on the tax policies that incentivize landowners to donate easements to land trusts. However, theres an argument that the distributional consequences of the scheme are grossly unfair, and helping exclude young people from the housing market, as older homeowners have been able to snap up the most desirable social housing and make significant profits as a result. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Presidential candidate and former vice president joe bidens campaign recently released more details regarding his tax plan. Distributional effects of environmental and energy policy. Matts paper concerns the possible distributional effects of leakage that can arise from carbon pricing policies. Many effects of environmental and energy policy are likely to disproportionately burden those with low income. Using large household datasets together with a model of the personal tax and benefit system, ifs researchers evaluate tax and benefit changes on. The distributional effects of environmental policy oecd.

The distributional effects of capital account liberalization, with p. Tim maull, in handbook of environmental economics, 2003. Distributional effects of macroeconomic policy choices in emerging market economies. Distributional effects of a carbon tax in broader u. In distributional effects of monetary policy, matthias doepke and veronika selezneva of northwestern university and martin schneider of stanford university offer one answer to that question. The book the distributional aspects of social security and social security reform, edited by martin feldstein and jeffrey b. The distributional effects of government spending and. Robert mendelsohn, edwin weyerhaeuser davis professor, school of forestry and environmental studies, yale university, us and ariel dinar, professor of environmental economics and policy and director, water science and policy center, university of california, riverside, us. If the effect varies across individuals, the late may not be globally externally valid. The economic effects of the 1918 influenza epidemic elizabeth brainerd, mark v siegler cepr dp no. Dominic parker is a professor of economics at university of wisconsin, madison, and a senior fellow at perc. New evidence for 21 oecd countries shows that the distributional effects of energy taxes differ by energy carrier.

Distributional effects of monetary policy brookings. Distributional effects of globalization in developing countries pinelopi koujianou goldberg, nina pavcnik. In an integrated world economy, shocks in a particular country have the potential to exert different effects across different workers within another. To assess the effects on populations other than the compliers and the distributional effects, we apply the framework of brinch et al. Accounting for the distributional effects of the 20072008 crisis and the economic adjustment program in portugal.

We discuss recent empirical research on how globalization has affected income inequality in developing countries. Distributional effect an overview sciencedirect topics. Distributional effects of a continuous treatment with an application on intergenerational mobility brantly callaway. One of the effects of inflation on the economy is the income distribution effect of inflation. We introduce an analytical model with firm heterogeneity to distinguish between traditional resource rent, which accrues to all owners, and inframarginal rent, which accrues to those with high skill. Distributional effects of disasters and climate change economic and food. This study, however, also takes into account distributional effects involved in pension system structures. The distributional aspects of social security and social. In the quantile regression class, i presented the paper is universal child care leveling the playing field. The distributional effects of government spending and taxation d. Economic, social and environmental impacts further increase vulnerability to disasters and tend to set back development, destroy livelihoods. Zhongnan university of economics and law, wuhan, hubei, china. We study how four measures of income inequality and poverty respond to several stock and flow variables accounting for fiscal actions. In general theory and the national income and product accounts.

This book addresses the distributional impacts associated with environmental. Crosscountry evidence on the distributional impact of. Research on the effects of globalization in economics has concentrated on those aspects of globaliza. We find that increases in government debt and expenditure promote a less unequal distribution of. This book focuses on the distributional consequences of the public sector and examines and documents, theoretically and empirically, the effects of government spending and taxation on personal distribution, and includes chapters investigating the relationship between the public sector and functional distribution of national income. A project has a directprofit redistribution effect and a directcost redistribution effect. If the expenditures are lump sum, transfer payments and the. Liebman is published by university of chicago press.

Economic, revenue, and distributional effects of repealing stepup in basis. The following chapters of this book are listed in ideas. Programs the levy institute measure of economic well being. Oecd ilibrary the distributional effects of energy taxes. Behavioral and distributional effects of environmental policy. In distributional effects of monetary policy, matthias.

Using examples from different economic and social contexts, the book explains macromicro linkages in an easy and intuitive way. Distribution economics in economics, distribution is the way total output, income, or wealth is distributed among individuals or among the factors of production such as labour, land, and capital. Distributional effects of globalization in developing. Matts discussant is dan kaffine, a professor of environmental economics and a renewable and sustainable energy institute fellow at university of colorado, boulder.

Distributional effects of the transition to property. The combined distributional effect of the tax and expenditure policy is commonly referred to as balanced budget incidence, which obviously depends upon the particular expenditures being financed. Using the tax foundation general equilibrium model, we find that repealing stepup in basis would reduce national earnings gnp by 0. An econometric model estimates power plant emissions and an integrated assessment model values damages in air pollution from electric and gasoline vehicles. A cepr study by elizabeth brainerd and mark v siegler examines the impact of the 1918 influenza epidemic on subsequent economic growth using.